Claudio Sacchi, born in 1953 in Pesaro (Italy), he now lives and works in Florence. He first studied fine art at the art college in Urbino, followed by a degree at the “University of Fine Art” in Florence. Essential to his artistic career were the encounters with Pietro Annigoni (in 1973) and Enrico del Bono (in 1977). Since 1977 his work has been included in the collection “Archive of 20th Century Italian Art” at the art historical institute in Florence. In 1979 he collaborated with the “Center of Research and Divulgazione of the artistic techniques of Mario Donizetti” in Bergamo. From 1980 till 1982 he was teaching “Spinelli” restoration at the Scuola di Arte in Florence. Then in 1987 a dissertation titled “Claudio Sacchi” was subject of discussion at the “faculty of philosophy and philology” - subject matter “art history” - at the University of Urbino.
From 1989 till 1992 he collaborated on the designs for the Italian magazine “Florence yesterday, today and tomorrow” which was published by Newton Periodici. Following his first solo exhibition in Florence in 1977 he has exhibited in all significant cities in Italy - in Milan, Bologna, Genova to name but a few - and abroad in Amsterdam, Montecarlo, Nice, Cannes, and Gent. Furthermore, apart from his drawings and paintings having been published in important books and art magazines, there have been numerous Italian magazines that have written positive critiques about his work. Then at the event “I numeri Uno” in Roma, Campidoglio, in 1999, he received an award for “painter of the year”. Sacchi spent a number of years in England and Ireland, but has chosen to live in Florence ever since his return. Currently he works on various projects: whilst he continues painting with subject matters chosen by him, he also works on commissioned portraits, or commissioned artworks for various Italian galleries. His visual style is based on an excellent knowledge of techniques, which he has acquired during years of exercising and re-interpreting the painting style of the 16th century; his expertise embrace portraits, figurative compositions, still-life and frescos. ABOUT HIS WORK: Certainly, the premise for painting as Claudio Sacchi does is the technical know-how, yet reducing Sacchi to technical skill would be ignorant. As, despite the paintings being technically perfect triggering the reminiscence of old masters such as Tizian or Lorenzo Lotto thus affirming the antecede, the paintings also respond to the contemporary condition sensed at present. Claudio Sacchi’s visual style captivates because of the vividness that appears to emerge from each painting. His images seduce their audience either through the gaze of the figures portrayed, the amorous “Still Lives”, or through the dream-like landscapes which occupy the background. Sacchi is, in fact, capable of creating pictorial atmospheres that appear mysterious – this applies independent of him depicting either contemporary objects or our everyday life – which leads to the assumption that his attitude is rather romantic. However, the mystery of each painting must be discovered upon contemplation of each painting and the details displayed within. (…) EXHIBITIONS 1999: Palazzo delle Esposozioni in Rom, Roof Garden (one-man show) 2000: MC Art Sporting d’Hiver, Montecarlo- Monaco 2000: “Italian Artists” Santa clara California (USA) 2001: Fresco titled “Trasfigurazione” (Transfiguration) in the Chorapsis at the Assunta Church, Montecchio (Pesaro) 2000: “Artists from Tuscany” Stanford Universit y California (USA) 2004: Contemporary Italian Masters” Chiesa S. Giuseppe Taormina 2002: :Mimesis et inventio” Stilleben im Europa Panorama Museum in Bad Frankenhausen (Germany) 2003: “Artists from Tuscany” S. Jose State University California (USA) 2004: “Contemporary Italian Masters” Ausstellungen in der Kirche S. Giuseppe in Taormina
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