
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Han-Wu Shen

Han Wu
ShenARC Living Master™
Chinese artist
born 1950
Also known as:
Han Wu Shen


Biographical Information

He began to be a worker in June 1970. From 1971, he started to have hisworks published and participate in art exhibitions. His works include oilpaintings, picture posters, Chinese paintings, New Year pictures andpicture-story books and so forth. "Do not Forget the Past", the oil paintingcreated in 1972, had had an enormous social effect.

He became a member of the Association of Artists of Hubei in 1979.

He entered the Electronic Education Center at Huazhong Normal University inMay 1980, with a specified duty as artistic designer. At the time, hefocused on picture-story books creation. Besides obtaining orders from manyprovincial publishing houses all over China, he also had his works publishedon national professional periodicals as "Picture-Story Pictorial" and "ChinaPicture-Story", which made him a famous Chinese illustrator. In 1984, heparticipated in the Sixth National Fine Art Exhibition, which is of thehighest level in China, with two pieces of works. Invited by ZhejiangPeople's Fine Art Publishing House the same year, he participated in theedition work of "World Literary Masterpieces" Series and drew "Chameleon".The whole series won three national awards of the highest level as SpecialGolden Award of the First Chinese Excellent Fine Art Books (1980-1990), TheFirst Class Award of the Fifth Chinese Books Award and The First Class Awardof the Fourth National Picture-Story Books Series.

From 1984 to 1986, he was an editor for "Changjiang Literary and Art", aliterary periodical for half a year and then in Hubei Fine Art PublishingHouse as an editor for a year and a half.

In June 1986, he entered Wuhan Art Academy, a professional creationorganization and became a professional artist.

Having passed the national examinations, he entered Hubei Art Academy inSeptember 1987, majoring in oil painting and graduated in July 1989. In thisperiod, his creation "Fighting Against Japanese Army" was selected into"National High Level Art Institutes Works Collection". "Conquer Berlin"attended the Seventh National Fine Art Exhibition.

From 1990, he changed his orientation to oil paintings. Since then, hisworks started to be exhibited in the national fine art exhibitionsfrequently, such as the First Chinese Oil Paintings Annual Exhibition, '92Contemporary Chinese Oil Paintings Exhibition, '93 Chinese Oil PaintingsAnnual Exhibition, the Third National Sports Art Exhibition, the EighthNational Fine Art Exhibition, the Second Chinese Oil Paintings Exhibition,the Fourth National Sports Art Exhibition, Contemporary Oil PaintingsExhibition of China on Hong Kong's Return and so on. Among those works,"Longing for the Soccer Field" won the Third Class Award of the FourthNational Sports Art Exhibition, "Colorful World" won the Excellent Works ofthe Eighth National Fine Art Exhibition and was selected for the crucialexhibition in Japan as a piece of works in "Album of Contemporary ChineseArt Exhibition".

In 1995, he became a member of the Association of Artists of China.

He held three one-man shows in Hong Kong respectively in 1995, 1998 and2000. More than 70 pieces of oil paintings of three themes as countrysidepeople, painters and "Red Guards" were exhibited. The works were highlyappraised and have possessed a group of collectors from Europe, America andAustralia.

In September 2000, "Paper Boat", an oil painting was collected into "TheContemporary Chinese Art (1979 - 1999)", a large-scale artistic album, asone of the most creative and significant excellent works since the ChineseReform and Opening Policy was implemented. It is edited by the Central ArtAcademy, a Chinese authoritative artistic institution, the Association ofArtists of China, Academy of Chinese Paintings, Chinese Art Academy and soon.

At present, he is a professional oil painting artist of Wuhan Art Academy asa National Grade One Artist.

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